Monday, August 1, 2011

T minus 10

Let's start with a disclaimer: This is my blog about my body and it's not always going to be pretty. I will be open and honest and am going to tell it like it is. If it's too much for you then don't look.

Well, I'm 10 days away. I'm getting more and more nervous, and am questioning my decision more and more. I think this is normal, given the fact this isn't a surgery the doctor said, "you have to have." This is a choice. No, that doesn't affect anything differently; it's just my mind.

Making my list of what to bring. I'm sure it will be too much - that's usually the way I am. I'm having trouble finding palatable protein powders, but think I've lucked onto a couple. I've had a suggestion to avoid apple juice off the start as it leads to loose stool, and another suggestion to bring a couple of packets of gatorade or crystal light for the flight home. Probably won't need much more but bring a package of protein and a shaker cup just in case.

So, today I'm nervous and want to cancel. lol What will tomorrow bring?

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