Infection in the wounds is almost all gone. It wasn't serious, but started just before the sutures came out. Should be finished the meds in the next couple days.
Protein, protein, protein. Here, once again, is my struggle. Those suckers taste like crap. Pure and simple. I'm trying to find something that is plain - no protein smell and no taste. I'm told there is such a thing out there, but no luck yet. I'm trying out GNC's "Natural" flavor that is supposed to taste like nothing, but it still tastes and smells like protein. Kind of like vanilla without the vanilla. Hard to describe. Just gross. So my search continues. I've ordered a couple of samples of Unjury and I'm hoping to be able to get some Nectar brand - it's supposed to taste great.
Have started mushies and really have to think about what I'm going to eat. I can't survive on eggs and chili - my current staples. Have to spend a bit more time making a menu or two so I can be prepared and have some variety. I'm excited about the mushies, except for the meat - blended/pureed chicken is pretty scary. Same with tuna. The tuna's got to be okay if I just must it up by hand a bit more. The chicken can be cut up very fine, I believe.
I'm eating too fast. I'm finished in under 15 minutes but I have food left, however I'm too full to eat it. So, slow down and pay attention to fork-full size. Then my tummy won't hurt and I'll get more into me.
Exercise has only begun with walking the girls at our favourite spot. It isn't a very long trek, but I guess it's nothing. I'm going to try going on the elliptical. I know my instructions say not for 6 weeks, however other instructions say after 2 weeks. This was major abdominal surgery but it was through laparoscopy so the trauma to the body and the healing time is significantly less. Something's gotta give.
Waiting for Darrin to get home in only a few more sleeps. It will be really nice to see him. Joni misses him most.
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