Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Good Day

Well, today is a good day. Why? No special reason than I'm upright.

Took the little dogs to get their nails clipped. I think the only reason they tolerate it is because they get bones afterwards. I know there's a lot I'd do for a treat. LOL

Today's date finds me at 161 lbs, comfortable 12/14. Have only lost 4 lbs since June, but I'm okay with that. Slow and steady win the race. I can go for my plastic surgery (PS) now if I'd like, but I'm going to wait until the spring in the hopes of dropping some more pounds and getting more loose skin taken than fat. Of course, I'll get better results the less fat there is on my body, so best to try.

Have I talked about my PS? I want to get either a circumferential body lift or a belt lipectomy. They're like a super-dee-dooper tummy tuck. Very similar procedures, the circ is more intensive and tackles around the middle and the butt and thighs; the body is cut all the way around and down onto the outer thighs. Pieces of skin and fat are removed, and the top and bottom are pulled together and sewn around. The belt is just a "belt" of skin taken out of the middle and then the top and bottom sections pulled back together. It also takes the lower belly out but doesn't help the butt as much nor the thighs at all. With both procedures, the back rolls are also tackled, so that's good.

The challenge is finding a plastic surgeon who performs these procedures. So far I've found the belt lipectomy with Dr. Niebles, who works with Dr. Almanza, the doc who completed my sleeve. I've found a couple more docs who perform something similar to the belt, but not enough so to help with my sagging skin. It's for those who need a tummy tuck, not a full blown lift. I'll keep you up to date with news I learn. Here are a couple links with information, should you be interested.

Otherwise things are still good. Protein intake, water and food are going pretty good. Some struggles here and there, as with anyone watching their diet, but mostly just fine. I'm still not dedicated to exercise; a walk here and there, lifting weights as I move things around (LOL) but nothing too serious. Again, I'm okay with this. I see so many people who start to exercise and watch what they eat, but then fall off the bandwagon and gain gain gain. Granted, there are many who choose that route and do fine for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, the numbers of those is 3-5%. Thankfully I've got my little tool to help me with my food.

So that's my news. Have a great day!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


It seems to have taken forever, but I've finally lost 70 lbs! If I paid more attention to what's going in my mouth, and actually got my ass up and moving, I'd lose more I'm sure, but that's not the way it's working for me. And I'm okay with that. It will take longer to get the next 30 off, but that's okay too. It's coming off slowly but surely and is staying off nicely. Onto the next goal!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Weighed myself this morning and I'm at 167! It's slowly coming off, but my stall seems to have broken. Woo hoo!!
I just wrote a friend about everything and I think I'll post it here.

The procedure in Canada is anywhere from $18,000 to $30,000. You can go through the Weight Wise program at the U of A hospital, but you'll be waiting about 2 years for the procedure and then there's no guarantee they'll give you the sleeve.

The procedure I had is called a gastric sleeve or a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. I believe there are a few more names for it, but those are the main ones.

What they do is take about 80% of your stomach away, leaving you a new pouch that's about the size of a medium banana. I compare the surgery to me having my gallbladder out. I was up and walking the first night (always good to do that if you can - it helps get the gas out) and walked 3 miles around San Diego on the 3rd day post-op. Some people experience more pain and gas; it's all a matter of pain tolerance and getting yourself up and moving.

I went to Tijuana to have the procedure done. I researched the doctor and hospital up the wazoo, and was comfortable with heading down there. The little hospital is more like a clinic almost, but it operated just like a hospital - nurses all over, doctors and OR theatre. Just the same.

You spend one night in the hospital and then you head to the Recovery House. It's a nice house with room for 10 patients. There is a nurse on staff at all times, and they're no different from our nurses. Check on you lots, deliver pain medication, etc.

The cost of the surgery is $4500. On top of that you have to pay for your flights, two nights in a San Diego hotel (Hampton is where we stayed and it was $120/night), and we stayed one night in the Ticuan in Tijuana (absolutely incredibly beautiful hotel) and it was a special rate of $55 for the night. Darrin came with me and in total we spent under $6000. I was home on the 4th day and all's been fine ever since.

It's a little tough at the beginning with a liquid diet, then full liquids, then soft protein, hard protein and then normal food. I suffered a bit of heartburn, but GasX strips are amazing!!! I love them. Fed them to my roommate after the surgery too. LOL

You can contact one of Dr. Almanza's patient coordinators for more information. I dealt with Louise Louise Johnson <>, but for my plastics (I'm hoping to go down in March of next year) I'm dealing with both her and Melissa <> for information. They're both the same, just independent of each other. If you write either, there's no commitment but they'll be able to answer all your questions.

Weight loss: I stepped on the scale this morning and I'm 167. I started at 235 8 1/2 months ago. I've been a slow loser - mainly because I don't exercise. I know I should but I hate it and I know I won't do it forever, so I don't want to do it now then stop and then gain some weight back. Better to just be me and have it come off this way. People with a lot of weight to lose, or those who really dedicate themselves to exercise, will lose A LOT quicker than I have. There's one girl who's dropped 100 lbs in 3 1/2 months. Granted, she was 350 to start, but it's still incredible!

I am on a great website with awesome There's lots of info and feel free to ask any questions - everyone is really helpful.

I hope I've answered any questions you have. Please don't hesitate to ask more. I love to share this information about the most amazing thing (short of marriage and babies) that I've done in my entire life. Wish I'd done it sooner!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Slowly Plugging Along

Weighed in at 171 this morning. Been at a stall for a week or so; I'm sure it will start moving again soon.

The journey continues and seems to be going well. I'm getting my calories and protein, a little too many carbs and just about the right amount of fiber. I don't track sodium, but given the processed meats and Michelina's I eat, I'm sure I'm off the map.

Exercise is still pretty non-existent. My excuse has been that the basement was filthy with renovation dust and such. Although I covered the treadmill and the exercise bike (and completely forgot to cover the TV), I haven't been down to uncover and clean them. Maybe this coming week.

My uncle Les is going to have VSG surgery too. He lives outside Regina and is getting sleeved through a doctor there. No cost as it's through healthcare. Nice to hear. I sometimes wish I had had the patience for that, but I'm very happy I didn't wait. The $4500 was definitely worth it and it's been the best thing I've done for myself in years, if not in my lifetime.

Otherwise life is good.  Mostly happy and healthy.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March Update

Weighed in this morning and am 177. Nice to be in the 70's. Nice too that I only have 42 lbs left to go. That's 16 lbs less than I've lost! I can do this!!!  I went on the 5 day pouch test and it seemed to break my stall and get my body back into losing.

As I stated last post, I just assumed this WLS was going to be a walk in the park. When I researched the procedure, I know I focused more on the positive stories (big losses) and ignored the ones that lost slowly (that won't be me, I thought). Now I'm focusing more on people like me, who are losing slowly. There are two ladies I talk with who took 12 and 18 months to lose 100 lbs. I'm 7 months out, so if I can't lose the remainder of my weight in 5 months then I'm thinking I'm really not doing this right. Now that I've said it I won't lose anything. LOL

My struggle continues to be exercise. Just so happens we're having renos done in the basement and I can't get to my exercise equipment - that's just my excuse du jour. We'll be moving upstairs on Monday to start the bathroom, so my excuses will have to change. haha My biggest excuse is that I absolutely hate it. There are none of these "feel good" times or exercise highs or anything. I get on the machine, I sweat, I think I'm going to die, I can't walk when I'm finished, and I still feel like shit when I'm in the shower. It's just overall a very unpleasant experience.

Protein drinks are going well, carbs are still high - can't get under 40 very often - and calories are between 600-800. I've heard that upping calories in order to break a stall will sometimes work too. So while I try to keep my calories under 700, going higher every so often isn't a bad thing either.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I'm in a group that has amazingly yummy and healthy recipes. I'm going to try to post one here. Hope it works!

BLT Lettuce Wraps

4 slices lean bacon (pork or turkey) cooked and chopped
1 medium tomato, diced
1 tbsp light mayonnaise (I like Hellman's)
3 large iceberg lettuce leaves
fresh cracked pepper

Carefully remove 2 large outer leaves of a head of lettuce. If you rip or tear one, just save it for the 3rd leaf you need to shred. Shred the 3rd leaf and set aside.
Dice tomato and set aside in a bowl.
Combine diced tomato with mayonnaise and fresh black pepper.
Place lettuce cups on a plate, top with shredded lettuce.
Add tomato...then bacon and roll it like a wrap and dig in!!!

Servings: 1 • Serving Size: 2 lettuce wraps • Calories: 160.7 • Fat: 10 g
• Protein: 10.8 g • Carb: 8.1 g • Fiber: 1.9 g • Sugar: 0.8 g

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy belated Valentine's Day. It was a nice day although Darrin's back at work. We celebrated on Saturday so that's okay. Had a great supper at Montana's, received candy and flowers, gave a collector's coin. All around pretty good.

How goes the WLS pounds? 182 right now - been stalled for a bit. Not watching carbs or working out enough certainly contribute. I sometimes feel I just can't (won't?) do this anymore. Like there's a choice. Can't undo this one. Anyway, eating with watching calories, carbs and protein, drinking all my water (not getting as much in as I need) and ENSURING I'm getting the protein shakes/drinks in. So far, kind of good.

I am not very consistent with my exercise. It needs to be 3 times a week and it is some weeks, but mostly not. I had started a walk/run program, but only made it 2 times and then haven't been back down there since. (Treadmill is in the basement.)

I thought everything was going to drop off. I read so many stories of people losing 50 lbs in a month; 200 in 6 months. I just figured that would be me too. A large part of that is the fact that those people were in the 300's and 400's. That, combined with even a small amount of exercise, leads to the huge losses. I thought (like many people do) that I would be able to have this WLS and not have to do anything else. Just eat some good food and *poof* the weight will fall off. Well, that's not the case.

I'm confident I'll get down to my goal weight. It's just going to take me longer until I choose to make a difference. Time to get back to my support groups on facebook and get my ass downstairs, and watch my carbs (tough one) and keep them at 40 or lower.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

As of today's date I'm 186 lbs and a comfortable size 16. Hope to post an updated pic soon.

Made it through Christmas and New Year without anything major. Enjoyed all the goodies and meals and gained two pounds. Considering the amount of crap I ate, I would have thought I'd gain more. Thankfully my little pouch keeps me in check.

The past month has seen me lose A LOT of hair - thinning so much that it's noticeable to anyone who touches it. It, and the dry skin, seem to be abating so let's hope this is it. Not sure how much more I can lose before I'll buy a wig; I don't want to have bald spots showing. Crossing my fingers I've got the protein up enough now.

Speaking of protein, I've heard that 20g per meal is ideal with 20g drink twice a day. I'm still not up to that, but hope to get better. This morning I had an egg (6.3g) and a protein drink (20g). Plan on having some chinese food at lunch (15g) then an afternoon drink (20g). Likely chicken (20g?) but that remains to be seen. So that would make a total of 81.3g or 61.3 without the chicken. Both are very good numbers. Last month I was struggling to consistently get in 40g, with many days being below that. The body is good at showing us what it needs, that's for sure.

My challenge is exercise. I have a treadmill and a Zumba game for Wii, but I just can't get my ass off this chair - or procrastinating when I am off the chair - which isn't doing me any favours. It hasn't helped me lose any weight, but I've sure had my legs and calves shrink, which I know is muscle. Any ideas for getting motivated other than the obvious?

So that's the story so far. Maybe I'll be able to update this blog more than every three months too. :)